Friday, January 8, 2016

3 of Top 10 Nigerian Snacks & Their Health Benefits (Suya)

3. Suya
Suya is the most loved snack in all of Nigeria. If you want to woo a Nigerian lady, give her suya. Suya is basically skewered meat or beef made with various types of spices and herbs. It is very spicy and wickedly delicious.
What are the health benefits of suya? Due to the conditions it is prepared and the way it is packaged, suya is not so healthy to be eaten just anyhow. But if you want to benefit well and enjoy your suya, eat with cabbage, onions and tomato. It's healthier that way. Suya can also help you win her heart. Just kidding.

4. Moin Moin
Moin Moin or Moi Moi is also known as bean pie or steamed bean puddles. This snack is so good they named it twice. It is made from beans and assorted spices. Moin Moin can serve as a side dish with Nigerian jollof rice. It can also serve as an appetizer.
What are the health benefits of Moin Moin? Moin is very very rich in protein content, as in, if protein was money it'd be billgate. It also gives a good amount of energy. Moin Moin is also the best snack for anyone trying to lose weight. Now time the top three,
the ballon d'or of Nigerian snacks.

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